
We are a congregation committed to helping each person find a place in jesus christ. We do this by ministering to each other and to the community and world around us. If you are seeking a special place where you are loved, please consider visiting us. Worship is at 9:00 a.m. You are welcome here!
Pastor Tom Vandermeid
Are You
New Here? View Our Welcome Video.
Here, you will find a family of faith which will love you the way you are. We will enable you to become all that god intends you to be.
Sunday Worship is at 9:00 a.m.
What We Believe.
While the Covenant Church does not require adherence to any written creed, we take our theology very seriously, and our history as well. We are a Reformation church, a part of the Church universal, and an evangelical church. In that heritage, we share certain central beliefs, which draw us together in faith and fellowship and make possible a freedom among us on more widely ranging issues. We describe those central beliefs as “affirmations.” We hope that as you read these affirmations you will find yourself identifying with them in your own faith experience. If they raise questions for you or you would like to read further, we would encourage you to ask Pastor Tom.
News & Events.
From Pastor Tom for June 2020: ““If You Want To Find Happiness—Don’t Pursue It””
June 3, 2020From Pastor Tom for March 2020: “Doing Well”
March 5, 2020From Pastor Tom for February 2020: “Doing Well”
February 6, 2020From Pastor Tom for January 2020: “Renovation or Recreation”
January 11, 2020Pastor Tom Vandermeid.

I’m Pastor Tom VanDerMeid and I have had the privilege of serving this congregation for over 25 years. I can say without reservation that this is a wonderful church family.
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